Saturday, November 20, 2010

Mike Leigh Hookie

So I had rehearsal today for the experimental film I've been working on with Marco Capalbo. And I arrived at his house a bit scattered, dealing with my car issues, and my run ins with 'the law.' And Marco questioned whether I was in a place to 'be Liz' today. (My character I have been developing for almost a year now). The rest is *hush*hush*...

And so Marco thought perhaps it would be a good day-due to weather and my state of mind for all of us, me, the other actor, Eric, and Marco to play hookie today. He made us a pot of tea, and thought we should 'think about it'...

This is what happens when 3 rebel/anarchists work together on making a film. And rebels we three definitely are.

We sat, mauled it over for a bit. Sipped some tea. Well, Eric doesn't drink tea. But Marco and I drink heavily (tea, that is). And Marco decided that we should determine whether to work or play hookie based on our 'I-Ching' reading. So he pulled out the sticks and proceeded to do our reading. Well, the result had something to do with 'Not going outside the door.' So we took that has a pretty obvious sign to stay in and watch movies. Marco cut up some pears and cheese for us. We got cozy on the couch, with blankets, tea, etc. And we settled in for a Mike Leigh film: 'Secrets and Lies' which I had never seen, but is absolutely fantastic.

Afterwards we had dinner and discussed Hollywood. The constant debate about business vs. art. And how to stay inspired while making a living. A constant battle, no doubt.

This film has been one of the most exciting projects I've worked on ever. Mostly because I never know what to expect. Will I be going on a wild adventure in character that day, or will I be watching a Mike Leigh film over tea and pears.

And this is what we love about the theater and life. The unexpected. And if we as actors don't know what we are going to do next, how equally exciting for our audience. For all we know, Marco was taping the whole thing...that's how 'in the dark' he is keeping his actors. And I love it. Without the dark, I can't strive to find the light.

Sweet dreams in...


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