Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dead Ends

Got my hair done today. Got rid of the dead ends.

Feels fresh, clean, and blonde.

I found my hair lady from a Casting Director who was very impressed with my audition but thought my hair could be "doing more" for me. So now I go to this Casting Director's hair person.

Hair is very important in Hollywood. People talk about hair more than politics, love, religion, and the meaning of life.

I was seeing a guy once who gave me hair tips. "You gotta use this conditioner, totally gets rid of the frizz..."

Cut off the dead ends in...



  1. I love this statement "Cut off the dead ends in...". This is great advice for any "dead ends" in life. Thanks for the smile this morning.

  2. Thanks Eric! It is a good way to see things, eh? I think it should be a regular ritual we do in our lives...Have a good day and Happy Holidays!

